Reaching the least-reached with the gospel, and edifying and equipping the least-resourced churches.

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Stories of Impact
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“It’s been great working with a ministry that’s already in the country, working in many kinds of involvement where we can connect with them very easily.”
“It is very encouraging to see people open their homes and welcome us and to see the Lord prepare their hearts to receive His Word.”
“It is an honour to have a missions partner like AWEMA! We believe in their approach of providing theological training and being a witness by meeting immediate needs. Our Short-Term teams have been strongly supported by them and have learned so much.”
“I came to give to these children, but it is they who have been giving me!”
“I feel comfortable at the NGO. And I can see that the children are well-loved here.”
“At times I felt like I couldn’t do all I wanted to help people medically. But sometimes only being there, listening to them, being with them, that was maybe more than sufficient for those people.”
“It is a blessing and privilege to walk alongside AWEMA in the myriad of ministries through which God is working. We are grateful for our long-standing partnership with them.”
“It is a joy to partner with AWEMA and their efforts to create opportunities for women to discover their God-given potential. We have been partners for almost 10 years through prayer, financial support, shared resources, and long term friendship. Together we have seen women transformed as they begin to understand their worth, rise above injustice, and are equipped to be leaders in their church, families, and communities.
“We have always had a heart for the Middle East. Visiting several times and attending conferences sponsored by the hard working people of AWEMA, made us see the value and importance of offering our financial support. The AWEMA staff can do so much with so little and we are proud to help where we can. The joy of the Lord is their strength and we have been blessed abundantly to know them.”
“AWEMA is one of the unique organizations God used, and is still using, to serve local churches in the Arab World for more than 30 years. AWEMA is present in the most needy and pressurized areas serving the local churches and believers from various backgrounds, expanding the kingdom of God all over the 22 Arab countries. It is a real honor and privilege to support AWEMA’s ministry as we saw and still seeing the fruits and impact done through this blessed ministry. Certainly, we are not a supporter but a real partner serving the body of Christ together.”
“We have been thankful to help support the thoughtful and careful work of AWEMA. The theological education that AWEMA provides for people throughout the region is known by both its quality and the caliber of the graduates. Thank you again for your work in the region.”
God is working in the Middle East and North Africa, and I am very thankful for the opportunity to participate in that work by partnering with AWEMA. I am blessed to know some of the leaders personally, and I trust their character and stewardship. I greatly value AWEMA’s holistic approach to ministry and commitment to training indigenous leaders.
Liberty to the Captives
Maturity through Discipleship in a Foreign Land
Transforming Grace
Encouragement that Unlocks Potentials